(french) Ho, Ho, Ho, c’est le Père Noël qui vous parle. Mes amis, voici la troisième Mixtape Still in Rock. Après avoir revisité les années 90 (Mixtape #1) et avoir vampirisé plusieurs d’entre vous (Mixtape #2), Still in Rock s’est lancé le défi de la Mixtape de Noël. Ahhh, la Mixtape de Noël… ses sons bien mielleux et son trop plein de bons sentiments. Uniquement ? Ho, Ho, Ho, nous passerons sous silence les nombreux titres de Garage, Psych Rock et autres ‘délicieuseries’. Tachons de ne pas oublier que le VRAI Santa porte du latex. Et qu’il fût un temps où les VRAIS enfants savaient se contenter d’une Mixtape pour cadeau. En vous souhaitant un joyeux Noël les amis. Et Happy Festivus everyone !!
(english) Ho, Ho, Ho, Santa is talking. My friends, here’s the third Still in Rock Mixtape. After a nineties (Mixtape #1) and a vampire revival (Mixtape #2), Still in Rock decided to challenge itself with a Christmas Mixtape. Ahhh, the Christmas Mixtape… its sweet songs and a great overfilling of good sentiments. Only that? Ho, Ho, Ho, it also comes with many Garage, Psych and some of our favorite treats. Let us not forget that the REAL Santa is wearing latex. And that, once upon a time, REAL children were satisfied with a single Mixtape as a gift. Merry christmas to you my friends. And Happy Festivus everyone!
(english) Ho, Ho, Ho, Santa is talking. My friends, here’s the third Still in Rock Mixtape. After a nineties (Mixtape #1) and a vampire revival (Mixtape #2), Still in Rock decided to challenge itself with a Christmas Mixtape. Ahhh, the Christmas Mixtape… its sweet songs and a great overfilling of good sentiments. Only that? Ho, Ho, Ho, it also comes with many Garage, Psych and some of our favorite treats. Let us not forget that the REAL Santa is wearing latex. And that, once upon a time, REAL children were satisfied with a single Mixtape as a gift. Merry christmas to you my friends. And Happy Festivus everyone!
1. Sonic Youth – Santa Doesn’t Cop Out On Dope (00:10)
2. Daniel Johnston – Rock Around The Christmas Tree (03:23)
3. Jacobites – Teenage Christmas (05:32)
4. Big Star – Jesus Christ (08:39)
5. Nico – Winter Song (11:13)
6. The Velvet Underground – Jesus (14:29)
7. Galaxie 500 – Listen, the Snow Is Falling (17:50)
8. The Beach Boys – Little Saint Nick (25:35)
9. The Pretty Things – Loneliest Person (27:34)
10. Pangea – Love & Alcohol (28:55)
11. Pandamonium – No Presents For Me (31:50)
12. The Sonics – Don’t Believe In Christmas (34:36)
13. The White Stripes – Candy Cane Children (36:16)
14. Shannon and The Clams – All I Want For Christmas Is You (38:40)
15. Marc Bolan – A Very Special Christmas (41:59)
Mixtape Still in Rock #3 : Christmas Is Cancelled
Les autres Mixtapes Still in Rock :
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