Find the second article about Frank Secich over here: link
Still in Rock is pleased to introduce a very special article (which will be followed by a second one). His author is indeed Frank Secich, one of the key characters of the Power Pop movement. Creator of Blue Ash, which could remind Big Star to some of you, he was also part of the Dead Boys with his great friend Stiv Bators. He now plays with the Deadbeat Poets.
This first article is excerpted from the Frank Cesish’s new book, “Circumstantial Evidence“. This book is the story of a young American who has experienced the period when the Beatles first arrived in the country of Uncle Sam. It is also the story of a destiny, that of a rebellious spirit who has never imagined his future outside of the musical world. “I knew I had a choice to make between a musical career or a criminal carrer,” the tone is set.
We cross many legends throughout the reading, to name a few, Chuck Berry, Curtis Mayfield, Yoko Ono, Iggy Pop, Johnny Thunders, Keith Richards, and, of course, Stiv Bators. We also live the creation of one of the very first Power Pop band in history, Blue Ash. Overall, “Circumstantial Evidence” is a book about love, the love for the music, the love for his soul mate and the love for the other members of his band. I could not too advise you the reading of the book, it is well written and fascinating. Here is our first selected extract. Frank recounts some of the first anecdotes with Blue Ash, it’s great and funny. Happy reading to all.
Still in Rock est heureux de vous présenter un nouvel article (qui sera rapidement suivi d’un second) un peu particulier. L’auteur de cet article est en effet Frank Secich, un des personnages clé du mouvement Power Pop. Créateur du groupe Blue Ash, qui rappellera Big Star aux plus férus d’entre vous, il a également fait partie des Dead Boys en compagnie de son grand ami Stiv Bators. Il joue aujourd’hui dans les Deadbeat Poets.Ce premier article est issu du nouveau livre de Frank Cesish, “Circumstantial Evidence“. Ce livre, c’est l’histoire d’un jeune américain qui a subit de plein fouet arrivée des Beatles sur le sol de l’Oncle Sam. C’est également l’histoire d’une destinée, celle d’un esprit rebelle qui n’a jamais conçu son avenir en dehors de la musique. “I knew I had a choice to make between a musical career or a criminal carrer“, le ton est ainsi donné.
On croise de nombreuses légendes tout au long de cette lecture, pour n’en citer que quelques-uns, Chuck Berry, Curtis Mayfield, Yoko Ono, Iggy Pop, Johnny Thunders, Keith Richards, et, bien entendu, celle de Stiv Bators. On vit également de l’intérieur la création d’un des premiers groupes de Power Pop de l’histoire, Blue Ash. Dans l’ensemble, “Circumstantial Evidence” est un livre d’amour, celui de l’amour de la musique, de l’amour de son âme sœur et de l’amour que se portent les membres d’un même groupe. Je ne saurai que trop vous en conseiller la lecture, c’est bien écrit et passionnant. Voici le premier extrait sélectionné et traduit par Still in Rock. Frank y retrace les premières anecdotes relatives à Blue Ash. Bonne lecture à toutes et tous.
(french version below)
Blue Ash was actually conceived in June of 1969. It was the brainchild of me, Jim Kendzor and Chuck Borawski who was to be our bass player as he had just bought a great looking and sounding german Framus bass and I was to be rhythm guitar and Bill ‘Goog’ Yendrek on lead guitar. We looked all summer to find a permanent drummer and tried out many. In late July, my then girlfriend Joann Rose suggested David Evans and introduced him to me at Champion Rollarena in Champion, Ohio and he was great and worked out perfectly. right before our first rehearsal Chuck decided he didn’t want to play in the band so I took over on bass and we became a quartet.
In early June, me, Jim Kendzor and our friends Denny Farringer and Dennis Fagan took a trip to Nashville to check out the music scene. on the way down we were trying to name our new band and not having any luck. after about six hours of this while driving on I71, I finally said ‘okay, that‘s it’. We’re going to name ourselves after the next sign we see. Suddenly Jim points at a sign and says Blue ash, which is a small town right outside of Cincinnati. We loved it. it was a good thing because we could have easily been lumbered with the moniker Wolf Ledges or worse still Gnadenhutten. We didn’t care too much for Nashville but two good things happened. We got the name Blue ash for the band and we wrote the first Blue ash song “Don’t Go To Nashville” which is pretty good.
So, Blue Ash (David Evans, Bill ‘Goog’ Yendrek, Jim Kendzor and myself ) started rehearsing in late July, 1969. We took a few days off for the Atlantic City Pop festival then started putting in 8 hours a day every day. The first song we ever learned was “I Gotta Move” by the Kinks. We wanted to be a different kind of band. We didn’t like a lot of the singer songwriters and heavy and progressive bands that were omnipresent at the time. We wanted to do 3 minute songs filled with energy, harmonies, melodies and power. We did covers of our fave bands from the 60’s we loved like The Beatles, Stones, Kinks, The Who. Byrds, Hollies and many others. We also did about half originals at the time as well.After about a month of rehearsals we showed up at Geoff Jones’ house. Geoff was the top booking agent and band manager in Youngstown. Little did we know the day before Geoff and his top act glass harp featuring Phil Keaggy had just parted ways. anyway, we asked if he’d like to be our manager then sang to him acapela “It’s For You” and “Nowhere Man” nailing them perfectly and showing him we knew what we were doing. Geoff ’s sister, Geri and his mom, Julie, were also there and pulling for us. Geoff agreed to take us on and booked our first engagement at the Freak Out in Youngstown for October 3rd, 1969.
We were really excited to have some proper management and a booking agent, we practiced like mad men all of September and were ready. There was a good buzz about us and we managed to pack the place that night. We also had been working on a great stage show segueing songs with lots of movement and flying around on stage. We changed clothes every set if we were playing 3 or 4 sets a night. We felt we had a very professional and exciting show. The first song we ever did at the Freak Out our debut night was “Wait” by the Beatles from Rubber Soul. We went over great and got steady dates at the Freak Out and Geoff sent us to Ravenna to play the next night to fill in for another band who couldn’t make it. Geoff would book and manage us for over 1400 gigs and two LP’s on major labels for the next ten years.

Blue Ash (David Evans, Bill ‘Goog’ Yendrek, Jim Kendzor et moi-même) avait commencé à répéter à la fin de Juillet 1969. Nous avions pris quelques jours de congé avant le festival Atlantic City Pop, puis avions joué huit heures tous les jours. Le premier titre que nous avions jamais appris était “I Gotta Move” des Kinks. Nous voulions être un autre type de groupe, nous n’aimions pas la plupart des auteurs-compositeurs de l’époque et tous ses groupes bruyants et progressives qui étaient omni-présents à l’époque. Nous voulions produire des titres de trois minutes qui soient remplis d’énergie, d’harmonies, des mélodies et de puissance. Nous avions fait des reprises de nos groupes favoris des années ’60, je pense aux Stones, aux Kinks, aux Who, aux Byrds, aux Hollies et quelques autres. Et puis, nous avions aussi nos compositions originales.
Après un mois de répét’, nous étions allés chez Geoff Jones. Geoff était un agent très connu et le manager de plusieurs groupes à Youngstown. Nous savions peu à son égard si ce n’est que son groupe phare, qui comprenait Phil Keaggy, venait de se séparer. Nous lui avions demandé s’il souhaitait être notre agent et nous nous étions mis à chanter “It’s For You” et “Nowhere Man” acapela pour lui montrer que nous savions que ce que nous faisions. Sa sœur, Geri, et sa mère, Julie, étaient également là pour nous soutenir. Geoff allait accepter et nous booker à Freak Out dans la ville Youngstown, le 3 Octobre 1969.
Nous étions vraiment très contents d’avoir un véritable agent et avions donc décidés de nous entrainer comme des fous pendant tout le mois de septembre. Il y avait un sacré buzz autour de nous et nous avions réussi un bon live ce soir-là. Et puis, nous nous étions mis à bosser sur des sets plein d’énergie dans l’objectif de créer une véritable expérience sur scène. Nous changions de vêtements à chaque concert et avions réussi à créer des lives très professionnels. Le premier titre que nous avions joué était “Wait” des Beatles. Nous avions obtenu plusieurs autres dates au Freak Out et Geoff nous avait également envoyé jouer à Ravenne pour prendre la place d’un autre groupe. Durant les 10 années qui suivront, Geoff allait nous booker plus de 1400 concerts ainsi que nous obtenir deux LPs sur des labels majeurs.
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